WILD! About Books

Calling all nerds! I have good news: I have learned to love books again. There were three years in there where I did not love reading, not even a little. Because law school. We will call those the dark years. It has taken me a while after the dark years to embrace my love of a good book, but I am back in business baby! My wish list for books is longer than my "I Read It" list, but at least I am back on the reading wagon or train or car or what-have-you.

I Read It:


I just finished reading Wild. I was going to borrow a copy, but I just caved and got it on my Kindle. I am so glad that I did because I read the whole thing this weekend. You should also know about my pre-existing love of Cheryl Strayed because of Dear Sugar, but this book struck a different kind of cord with me.  I spent my whole life traveling up and down I-5 from Washington to California so her hike of the Pacific Crest Trail reminded me of my days on the Pacific Coast Highway. I too was always on some sort of journey when traipsing through this great land of ours. She does an excellent job weaving the narrative of her life with her progress on the trail.  The movie is coming out, so I definitely recommend you read this first.

i didn't come

I Didn't Come Here to Make Friends was just as trashy as you might think it would be given that it is a confessional about The Bachelor. I read it in a day and a half. I loved it... trashiness and all.


The Orphans of Race Point was a page turner and the story was totally engrossing. Warning: I HATED the ending.

a life

A Life in Men was terrible. I was going to try and I soften that description of the book given that it IS someone's book, but I didn't even finish it. People. I always finish a book I start. It's like life: finish what you start. But this one remains unread.

the first

The First Affair was a great girlie, trashy, quick read. It was basically a cross between Scandal (except this last season, which was not my favorite) and 50 Shades.

Wishing and Hoping

Here are all the books that I have in my wish list while I wait for my next injection of blow money (and no, this is not money for blowing up balloons-- it's my allowance/free money that I can spent however I so choose).

  • Big Little Lies
  • The Vacationers
  • The Husband's Secret
  • Me Before You
  • Bittersweet: A Novel
  • I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You
  • The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
  • A Hundred Summers
  • We Were Liars

So spill. What are you reading that you can't put down? I CLEARLY don't care if it is trashy or a classic. Life-building or just sheer entertainment.

*None of these are affiliate links and all of the pictures are from Amazon.com. I just really love books y'all.

Dear Sugar: Advice on Love and Life

For my very first ever book club, we read Dear Sugar by Cheryl Strayed. She is incredible. This book is incredible. I recommend that everyone from every walk of life read it and love it immediately. In the meantime, I made this PDF of some of my favorite Dear Sugar quotes to share with the bookclub. Hope you enjoy (oh, and there are totally swear words). :)

Dear Sugar Quotes Here's a picture preview of the Dear Sugar goodness:
