Tiny Beautiful Things

So for a brand new book club that I'm starting we're reading Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strand. The book is just gorgeous-- more on that later. The title alone makes me want to focus more on the tiny beautiful things that make up this little life of mine. Given that, and my recommitment from Peek and Adam's wedding to be more vocal about appreciations, here's how my Monday became fantastic: I got called a beautiful dork by one of my favorites. I received my first real work assignment. I hung out with Katie at her apartment: she fed me and we watched Jeopardy before we went to Zumba with Sarah. At Zumba, I got my butt kicked, but smiled through it. Sarah gave me some freeze dried flowers to check out for wedding stuff. Katie and I were talking about how thoughtful Sarah was on the way home... So you know what I did? I picked up the phone right then and there and called her and told her that about herself.

The tiny beautiful things... I tell ya. They're pretty great.

Reading for Pleasure!

It feels like a whole new world is opening itself back up to me. And this, my friends, is the world of reading for PLEASURE!!! Since starting law school all that I did was read and write and think about cases. Now that I am done with the bar, I get to read normal humans things again and I am devouring-- thirsty to read all these gems I've been missing out on. First up was Lean In which I already posted about, but it bears repeating that while it is a businessy type book, it is also a testament to the current reality of being a working woman in 2013. I still get sad when think too much about how little progress we have made in the higher ranks of the business world and world leadership in general. I feel a renewed calling to stay in the work force, kick ass, move up, and encourage other women to do the same. (Working moms, you are heroes)

Second, I just read (yesterday and today I read the whole thing) Carry On Warrior by Glennon Melton. My friend Sam recommended the book to me and I am so grateful she did. The book is funny, moving and also authentically raw. Her book has inspired me to live more honestly and that includes the things that I put on this blog. Sometimes there are things that I want to write about but I sensor them for fear that someone will get offended or react negatively. Her book is a great example of REFUSING to do that. So here are my biggest takeaways:

  • Be Honest: "When you write your truth it is a love offering to the world because it helps us feel braver and less alone."
  • I am a child of God whose only job is to love and to be. When things start to feel overwhelming or sad or make me angry, remembering that God has it handled is helpful.
  • Everyone has a little piece of God in them that makes them worthy of my time, interest and love. I have started already at the airports to silently namaste people coming off airplanes and such as my little act to spread more love in this world. My little act of acknowledging that all these people are God's children too. And even better that that, they are all little pieces of God.
  • "That's the thing about becoming a family: you gotta melt. You have to keep melting into each other until you become something entirely new. The only one constant family rule is that everyone has to keep showing up." GEM
  • The letter she wrote to her son about what would happen if he were to be gay made me dissolve in a puddle of ugly tears at La Guardia and it was worth every awkward look because that letter will be given to each of our kids as they enter double digits.

It's a must read. The whole freaking book. Carry on warriors. Carry on. (Her blog is momastery.com)
