Gilmore Girls... The Problem

Guys. I am head-deep in Gilmore Girls (not knee, not hip... all the way to my head). Podcasts (Gilmore Guys), watching the ATX festival cast reunion, and on season 5 of my 8th re-watch of the series. 

I think I might have a problem. A SERIOUS problem. 

And my serious problem is that the 4 part revival doesn't come back until later this year. Yeah. It's going to be a long few months. 

Ps: In case you aren't a rapid fan, here are my top 5 favorite episodes:

  • Rory's Birthday Parties (the scene of them in bed makes me tear up everytime)
  • They Shoot Gilmores Don't They (Dean v. Jess classic)
  • I Can't Get Started (Oye with the poodles already!)
  • Those are Strings, Pinocchio! (Tears, so many tears)
  • Raincoats and Recipes (Luke, Lorelai, Rory making a HUGE mistake)